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Compañía Microsoft, Cronosoft
Equipo de producción Programación: Kevin Thacker (arnoldemu)
Gráficos: Kevin Thacker (arnoldemu)
Música/FX: Hervé Monchatre (Tom&Jerry / GPA)
Distribuidora Cronosoft
Distribución Amateur
Año 2008
Género Puzzle
Controles Teclado, Joystick
Idiomas Inglés
Estado Preservado
Comentarios Ayuda adicional: Bob Smith


Gama CPC


Sudoku is a number logic game

Arte Cassete


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sudoku_tape.jpg sudoku_tape2.jpg


This version of Sudoku gives you the choice of grid size and game difficulty
In 9×9 grid mode you must ensure that the numbers 1-9 exist only once in each row, column and sub-grid
The puzzle is completed when all spaces have been filled

Joypad mode
The cursor is controlled using Up, Down, Left, Right and Select only
Press select during game play to get access to numbers and options
The music icon can be used to toggle the music on/off
The pen/pencil icon can be used to toggle between pencil/pen mode
The spanner icon is used to access options
The X icon is used to delete pen/pencil marks
In pencil mode selecting a number will add a pencil mark. If a pencil mark already exists it will erase it
In pen mode selecting a number will enter a number and replace any pencil marks

Number mode
The cursor is moved using Up, Down, Left, Right. Select pauses
Press M to toggle music on/off
Press P to toggle between pen and pencil mode
In pencil mode the numbers 1-9, A-C to enter pencil marks. In pen mode the numbers 1-9, A-C to enter pen mark
DEL erases all pencil/pen marks

Play options:
Continue - go back to game
Save Point - set a save point (record current grid) or restore a save point (go back to a saved grid)
Restart - restart game
Quit - quit game
464: Hold down CTRL and press small ENTER key
664/6128: Type |TAPE and press RETURN. (| symbol can be obtained by pressing SHIFT and @ together)

The type RUN“ and press RETURN



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